Laser Therapy for Pain

There are typically four main classes of lasers for the treatment of pain conditions, Class 1, 2, 3R, 3B and level 4. The more powerful the laser, the deeper it can penetrate (thus affecting more tissue or reaching depths not allowed by lower level lasers) and quicker delivery. 

Laser therapy has been an increasingly popular treatment modality for pain. So lets cut to the chase and get to the bottom line, how does it work? 

How does laser therapy work for pain?

Low level laser therapy may decrease pain from its effects on decreasing many inflammatory related factors released by the body especially after injury (for those of you interested: prostaglandin E2, IL-1b, and TNFa). Some studies suggest low level laser therapy may have an analgesic effect by altering nerve conduction thus changing the sensitivity of nerve pain fibers and or release pain relieving substances (endogenous endorphins) in the body to regulate pain.

Another way laser may work is to act on an organelle in our cells called the mitochondrion to produce more energy, ATP. This helps regulate the cell (promote homeostasis), increase cell metabolism and or cell proliferation (photobiomodulation).

So laser therapy can help not only with pain, but decrease inflammation and promote healing making it an obvious choice for many stubborn or complicated injuries.

Closing remarks…

When choosing laser therapy, it is crucial to know the difference of lasers. The lower the level, the lesser likelihood of success when working on thick tissues such as your shoulder or back.

At MYOMED, we offer a top of the line class 4 deep tissue laser therapy. You can spot the difference simply from the warmth and heat that comes with the energy brought to the treatment area separating it from “cold” class 3 lasers. Consult with one of our class 4 laser providers to see if this is the correct treatment for you.

Class 4 laser therapy for pain
Class 4 BTL laser therapy for pain